Day 142: Turning 33

Tonight I decided to have a little fun for my birthday. After selling a car and getting paid today, I went back to my old haunting grounds for a bit..Ye Olde Poker Room. I decided I wouldn't spend a large amount of money; rather I'd enter the tournament and have several hours of poker fun for $60. I lasted through 3 rounds before I went all in against pocket aces. I left a loser, but I was happy to see many of those faces once again.

Mom made me a cherry cheesecake, something she's done for me since I was 16 years old. I don't remember ever having many birthday parties; maybe because I was always a solitary kid and chose to enjoy my cheesecake alone. Who knows the psychology behind it, but I take breaks between my typing to get a forkful of this delicious cake. Wow, already at 1/4 of it!

Bill Hugo, the Vocations Director for the OFM Caps gave me a call this evening to wish me a happy birthday. He thanked me for coming out to the retreat and let me know that all my paperwork had been submitted for my application to the Order. We talked about a few other things, things I will discuss as we get closer to August, and wished him well.

I'm still waiting for pictures to share with everyone. I know a LOT of pictures were taken, and I am hoping to get some great shots of myself, the postulants, and everyone else having a great time at the Triduum Retreat. If you just can't wait any longer to see my experience over the Easter weekend, the new Capuchin Vocations Update is available for download. Vocations Update.

I will do little in the way of celebration tomorrow. I'm not sure if it's good or bad, but for my birthday is just another day. I turn a little older, I hope I became wiser, and I push forward in my life. Maybe I feel a little distant from other people, or maybe it's a reminder to me that I don't have many close friends.

A birthday is just a day where I'm lucky to get some cheesecake. I just wish I weren't already halfway finished with it!

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3 Response to Day 142: Turning 33

March 31, 2008 at 10:22 AM

Hi Vito,
Happy Belated birthday to you!
I hope also that you had a wonderful Easter at the Triduum retreat and that it confirmed for you that you are making all the right moves along this path.
Your cheesecake sounds delicious and you must have a thoughtful mother.
On my birthday every year, I was able to choose the cake that I wanted - most of the time it was a "Strawberry Angel" cake (an angel food cake that was tunneled out and filled with cream strawberries and the chunks of cake that had been removed. Then it was slathered in more whipped cream and chilled.)
Like you, I prefer a quiet celebration for my birthday - although I am fortunate to have a wonderful husband and the company of four cats. (My parents are both alive as well and we visit them for a small marking of the occasion.)
Well, I just thought I'd stop in and see how you're doing - I hope you'll visit me over at "Catholic Me".


March 31, 2008 at 10:24 AM

P.S. You're not that old. I'll be 47 this year! (I feel about 10 years less though).

April 15, 2008 at 11:28 PM

You do realize, of course that Jesus was crucified for us when he was 33?

I turned 33 last June, it's been an incredible year, full of grace and trial...and I think I'm closer to answering His Call.

Oh, and my Spiritual Father is a Cap....Padre Pio. Long story, not one I'm going to tell in a combox. Pray to him, if you don't already. I'll ask him to add you to his Spiritual Family and to give you some sign of his intercession.