Preparing for the Feast of Francis

My apologies, Dear Readers, for not being more active this past week. I mentioned the upcoming Transitus and then the feast day on Sunday, as well as planning the Liturgy for Saturday night (it actually starts in 3.5 hours). Between planning, finding hymns, making doors work, and the many other things I've been worried about since taking on this responsibility, my days have been a little hectic.

Along with all the planning, I've been working on my singing. Most of the people who knew me in the sales business will tell you that I am not a singer, despite my guitar playing skills. Most of the time, I have great ideas for songs or for music to use during Liturgies; the only problem is that I can't sing the music.

Being here in Novitiate, with a Liturgist and Music Director on-staff, has made the task of singing a little easier. I still make him cringe when trying to sing a high C, but even after two months I can see hear an actual improvement.
For the celebration of Transitus, we are starting with a procession, involving an adapted version of the Canticle of the Creatures. Looking for a different version than "All Creatures of Our God and King" or "Canticle of the Sun,"  I took a litany-type melody and adapted Francis' song to fit the music. The words and the music are easy...I just hope that I can sing it!

I have to run, as the celebration starts in a few hours and I still haven't finished all the necessary things for the celebration. However after this is done, I will have a great deal of knowledge about processions, and may be able to share some insight, especially for people who are thinking about doing them in their pairsh or faith community.

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