Last week I wrote about finishing the Vocations Update that the Capuchins have asked the candidates to write for the Order. It was a way for guys like us to introduce ourselves to the rest of the brothers, but a way to express our expectations and desires of why we are applying.
Not only is mine finished, but it has been typed up and is now available at the Capuchin Franciscans web page:
On May 1, the Admissions Board for the Capuchin Franciscans will convene, and I will finally have the last word on my application. 14 days left to worry, hope, and pray.
1 Response to Capuchin Vocations Update
I'm just curious...when you leave this world behind and head into your postulancy, are you going to donate the remainder of your bank account to a Vocations organization?
That question sounds presumptious...but I don't mean it to be so. I'm actually wondering if you're earning a legacy for some other soul or group of souls in need of assistance.
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