Evaluation Time

One of the reasons I've failed to write much is because this time of year, we do our evaluations. It's a way for the formators to see how we're doing and to reflect on our strengths and weaknesses.

Our evaluation is a four-step process:

1. We are given written evaluations by the other professed friars in the house as well as the supervisor from our ministries (in my case, Br. Dave from St. Ben's).

2. We must write an evaluation for each of the other postulants in the house.

3. After reading and reflecting on the evaluations written about us, we must in turn write a self-evaluation.

4. A final evaluation with the formators of the postulancy program.

Up to this point, I've finished 1-3. Parts of the process were pretty intense; some of it was personal and contained things I wasn't comfortable sharing online. While I've been evaluated many times before, especially coming from the sales business, this evaluation in particular is something I'm kind of dreading.

I will let you all know how things go. Tonight I go through part 4.

It's odd: I can deal with the harshest of conditions, I can keep my cool when someone offends me, but when it comes to this evaluation, I'm still nervous...even though I feel at peace here and that I'm doing the Lord's work.

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2 Response to Evaluation Time

December 16, 2008 at 8:03 PM

I hope it goes well for you!

Remember that God is good, and even if you are squirming, the reason for it is something He knows about.

(This is advice I give myself, too...)

And from my squirmy side- wow...what a way to grow in the virtue of humility! Again...I hope it goes well!

December 17, 2008 at 1:00 AM

Thanks for the kind words. =)