With all this talk of religious life, brotherhood, and being accepted, it's only right that I ask myself a very important question: Why?
I found myself thinking, and my train of thought led me to a new and mysterious place. I felt the need to write it down, but it took a few days to actually construct the entire thought. I apologize for taking a few days to get this updated.
Taking the side of the advocatus dioboli for a few moments, it can be said that there's a romantic side to the notion of dedicating one's entire life to Christ. This charism of helping people in need, leading a moral and just life, teaching others, exhibiting traits such as chivalry, piety, and obedience - all those things are highly reminiscent of the knights of old.
As we've seen in the media, the epic struggle of good versus evil, of finding one's purpose in life, of being chosen for a specific purpose, and the fulfilling of a destiny are all plotlines and stories that have kept us enraptured. Whether it be the story of King Arthur, the Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien, or even the Star Wars saga by George Lucas, it's plainly obvious that stories with this high fantasy storyline draw the hearts and minds of many people.

We enjoy these stories because the show the struggle of good conquering evil. We see how powerful forces aid the chosen people in their time of need. We are immersed in a world where we don't worry about wearing the newest outfit or driving the coolest car. The people who are most revered are those considered honorable, charitable, heroic, and a champion for those who cannot fight for themselves.
Is it not surprising that people would want to live out these fantasies? The popularity of Role Playing Games such as Dungeons & Dragons and Palladium has continued to grow over the 30 years of existence. While it is estimated that 4 million people world-wide play the pencil and paper version of D&D, the growth has continued via the internet, where it's estimated that some 20 million people play World of Warcraft in China alone.
I've mentioned before how I used to play Everquest, an MMORPG with a plotline similar to the Lord of the Rings. There are dragons to slay, castles to pillage, magic treasure to find, and an entire world to explore as a haughty fighter, a shiny paladin, or even a wise priest.
I also mentioned the existence of guilds: player-made groups to help achieve common goals and develop a closer sense of community - working together as a unit (family, brotherhood, team). Keeping in theme with the epic stories such as Chronicles of Narnia and the Dragonlance series, players often tried to emulate that sense of chivalry, honor, loyalty, and of course victory.
Here's an example from an Everquest guild called Sapientia:
The Sapientia of today is not a pure raiding
guild. We endeavor to maintain a balance between building bonds of
enduring trust, respect and friendship among our members on the one hand and
coming together as a single force to vanquish all mobs that dare stand in our
way on the other hand. There are days when we raid for hours at a time,
and there are days when we relax and do a little tradeskilling or questing or
exploring or whatever strikes our fancy; it's what we enjoy most out of the game
and it's how we define fun. Our community is casual in the sense that we
do not have planned raids every day and attendance is never strictly
mandatory. Even the way we distribute loot is not based on "points"
accumulated through raid attendance. Yet we almost always enjoy tremendous
participation in our raids and events by our members. It's a testament to
our guild that so many of our members cheerfully take part in what we do without
being compelled to do so.
With such an overwhelming influence of this fantasy world, along with the obvious attraction to that sense of brotherhood, family, or just a sense of belonging, is it possible that this entire thing about feeling called to a religious life is just an extension of that fanatical attraction come to life?

For many years, I belonged to a similar guild known as The First Seal. We stood for loyalty, truthfulness, humility, helping others, and many of those same charisms that most people would never associate with a video game. How is one truly honorable in a video game?
The best way to describe it is this: in an anonymous setting like the internet where people can assume any persona they wish, there were those of us who didn't want to be the malicious, scamming, offensive, childish, stalking, selfish, greedy players. We wanted to bring something good to this "online world."
As I look back, I must admit how wonderful it felt to be included in something like that. Even my nom de guerre, Severaen, was a tribute of yet another high fantasy character Severian, of the Gene Wolfe series. I've not played EQ in over a year, yet there are times I wish that guild still existed; and there are times I wish the sense of brotherhood had never gone away. And there, right there, is where I must truly question my intentions.

The squires of the Middle Ages, on the eve before achieving knighthood, were bathed and dressed in a white robe, gave their confession to a priest, fasted that evening, and kept vigil all night - preparing their spirit for the duty they were committing to. I can admit to myself that I am drawn to that kind of devotion, an overt display to God and to others that I wish to devote my life to the service of others. Yet is this idealistic ceremony the only draw for me? Will I become bored after committing myself? Will I find I've made the wrong decision? Are my desires blinding me to the message I should be receiving from God?
My situation is a unique and complicated one. It's taken days to actually follow the line of thought, yet now that it's all written out, I can see a correlation between that fantasy life of being Severaen and this new life of possibly being Fr. Vito Martinez, O.F.M. Cap. I'm not worried that Sev was a fake part of my personality, or that I attempted to make others happy without being true to who I was. I feel the opposite: I'd like to think that being Severaen opened me up to accepting some of those traits in real life and not just on a video game.
My worry is that I cannot log off of real life. When I was done being a hero, I simply turned off my computer. When I didn't want to slay Quarm or be that chivalrous ranger, I didn't have to play the game. Am I ready to live up to that kind of morality each day of my life, or will I grow tired of it, just as I've grown tired of Everquest, and eventually disappoint myself and the others who have prayed for me thus far?
Perhaps the answer to the ultimate question "Why?" isn't that traditional, Catholic, response: "To save my soul and the souls of others." Maybe when they ask me "Why?" I'll tell them "Because I still want to be a hero."
While some of you might not understand the confusion I face, perhaps you can leave with a smile, knowing that someone who wanted to be a hero, a vanquisher of evil, a defender of the people, considers the Capuchin Franciscans and all religious orders to be capable of the same heroism as the fabled paladins. =)

7 Response to The Hero Factor: Separating Reality from Fantasy
To be a hero. that is a wonderful insight.
Believe it or not, I completely understand you.
It's the same reason I got into law enf, firefighting, etc. Going after the bad guys. Controlling out of control situations, saving people from themselves and others, etc.
I'm a lot more jaded now...and back in discernment. Thank you for this post. I think you just helped me to understand why I jumped through all those hoops...to beat the idealism of the "hero" thing out of me so that I can meet God with humility.
Um....not saying you're not....I have phrased this very badly, but I am speaking only of my own state.
Oh, and I'm still not humble.
I don't know if I'm the first of the first seals to tell you, but your decision & choice of direction do not at all surprise me....it seems to me quite natural (having had similar thoughts myself in the past).
but yours seem a tad more brave than mine, as not only did I not pursue the thought (for fear that I was not 'good' enough) but I never told anyone about it, for fear of hearing their reactions.
There are times I still don't feel good enough. St Francis once said: "I have been all things unholy. If God can work through me, he can work through anyone." I whole-heartedly believe that.
There were only a few people still playing that knew of my vocation...partly from that same fear you spoke of. It's taken a long time to make it this far, and the journey is far from over.
Adoro: It makes me feel much better knowing someone understands my point of view. No offense taken; I think I'm also done trying to be praised for being a hero. Perhaps it took that time to realize the difference between doing something as a servant of God, and doing something to inflate my own ego. I hope I've found the more important of the two. =)
It's an interesting analogy, one that merits thinking about. I believe that most people want to have a higher purpose, in fact *yearn* for one, as you have so eloquently outlined in this blog.
How it's expressed is individual of course - if that need can be met in a video game, so be it. However, some, like yourself, are being called on to do more.
I think you're on the right track; if you weren't, you wouldn't have doubts or be questioning your motives.
Hey, Vito, please pray for me. God has knocked me on my rear end and all I've learned is that I'm still the same rebellious disobedient soul I've always been.
I appreciate your honesty in your posts. For now, I'm keeping my discernment out of mine...I'm very unsure and have come to realize that when I was discerning before, I had no foundation. Now I DO have a foundation, but it hasn't made me any better, just better supported, if that makes any sense.
Oy....this is really hard. You're in my prayers.
Well said.
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