47 days left of Novitiate. Some of us have eagerly been counting since the winter. This Memorial Day weekend made it even more apparent that our year is almost over; soon we return to our respective provinces to take First Vows.
So like most terms, there's a desire to "check out." In high school we called it "Senior-itis." The year's almost done; we're almost out of here; let's just coast the rest of the way.
But is that the best way to spend the most unique year of my life?
When I was a Postulant, I remember friars telling me: "There's no other year like being a Novice. Don't let it go to waste." But I remember finding it hard to enjoy the Novitiate at first because there was nothing to do! In reality there was nothing external to do, which is always a good distraction to not worry about what's going on inside.
Looking back at the year, I started to see the internal opportunities I've taken - things I've tried to change about myself: quitting smoking, more exercise, better use of silent prayer, discussing my feelings instead of bottling them up; new things I've started to do: waking up sooner, living in a communal setting, working with elderly in assisted-living; and things I have to accept about myself as an individual.
Someone who knew me 2 years ago might not recognize the person I've become, but I think that's for the better. And if I've accomplished so much in the time I have, perhaps there's a few more surprised in store for me during this last month and a half.
The end is in sight; my prayer is not to focus too much on the next leg of the journey until I've walked the rest of this road.
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