Receiving My Habit

After spending three hours at the local H & R Block, working on last years taxes at the car dealership and at the poker room, I got home to find that my habit had come from the tailor in Washington. We had our habits made in advance that they would be ready by the time we made it to novitiate. To make sure the habit and the hood fit properly, I had a chance to wear the last suit I will ever have to put on!

Now everyone from my mother to my friends have been waiting in anticipation to see me with my habit on. And trust me, I already have a few good pictures. However, since we have not been invested in our habits, a ceremony that is a huge part of becoming a novice, it is not proper that I should publish pictures of myself en habitus.

The habit fits, and I've already folded it up and set it aside for when we go to Pittsburgh from Kansas. I may sneak a chance at putting it on again; it's one of those things that helps me focus on where I want this journey to go.

I only wish I could share the excitement with everyone. I guess you'll have to wait a few more months!

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1 Response to Receiving My Habit

June 4, 2009 at 5:11 PM

Hello Vito -

Interesting post - hard to tell when you posted. Best of luck to you - hope you find solace in the friar's life.
FYI, my spiritual director is a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal.

God bless you & St. Francis !